Lisburn Community Fire Company Drive-thru Chicken BBQ DinnerJoin the Lisburn Community Fire Company on the Fairgrounds on Sunday, October 9, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for its first ever Drive-thru Chicken BBQ Dinner.

Each $8.00 dinner will include one half barbecued chicken, a baked potato, applesauce, a roll, butter, and a bottle of water. The price cannot be beat.

Picnic tables will be available, weather permitting, if you’d like to eat on the Fairgrounds. Otherwise, drive in and pick up your fresh grilled chicken BBQ dinner to enjoy at home.

Lisburn Community Fire Company is located at 1800 Main St., Mechanicsburg in the Village of Lisburn.

Thanks for Dan Brambley for use of his picture on this post.
Lisburn’s First Drive-thru Chicken BBQ Dinner On Tap